Scene Maker Utility

This is a scripting tool that makes creating scenes a bit easier. It provides a gui for you to drag and drop windows, associate activated and deactivated windows, etc. After you’ve organized the windows you can generate the associated code for that scene. It should be pretty self explanatory.

My intention with this was to make creating and organizing the windows during a scene a bit less tedious.

It’s missing a few features but… maybe later.



3 responses »

  1. kiokurashi says:

    I am going to assume that this isn’t noob friendly? Or maybe I’m just an idiot because I pulled out a window and was like “Ok, now what the fuck did that do?”

    • blucalm says:

      Click ‘File -> Generate ruby code’ to create the code for that scene.

      If you hover the mouse over a window there will be instructions to the right that tell you what else you can do. You can click on the class name of the window to change it and the variable name for that window.

      Pages are an abstraction for a group of windows that are visible at once. You can associate activated and deactivated windows with one another across pages.

  2. david says:

    hay que saber script para utilizar esto, y no tengo suficiente conocimientos para utilizarlo.
    Pero vamos a probarlo a ver que tal. poco a poco intentare sacar algo

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